Meta-Suite: An innovative app for interactive, accessible, and transparent meta-analysis using R-Shiny.




RShiny, Meta-Analysis, Statistical analysis


Introduction: Meta-analysis is a powerful model for combining findings from multiple studies on a topic. Due to the growing complexity and amount of data in the digital age, research requires user-friendly tools for complex data analysis. This IDEAL phase2a study introduces Meta-Suite, which aims to simplify statistical analysis for meta-analysis with R.

Methods: Meta-Suite was developed with R and Shiny to provide an intuitive General User Interface (GUI) for meta-analyses. It combines various R programs, such as meta, metasens, and metafor, and provides tools for data visualization, risk of bias evaluation, and quality assessment of randomized controlled trials and observational studies.

Results: Meta-Suite facilitates data input, analysis, and visualization simply, enabling users to focus on their academic writing and reducing statistical analysis load. The application allows for plot customization and provides quick feedback, which improves data understanding and decision-making. It can assist in conducting meta-analyses, creating plots, and downloading them using a user-friendly interface.

Conclusion: Meta-Suite offers a simple and user-friendly interface for conducting meta-analyses, allowing novice to access complex statistical methods. Robost user validation tests are now required to test and improve its functionality.




How to Cite

Ganduboina, R., Dutta, P., Pawar, S., & Mukherjee, I. (2024). Meta-Suite: An innovative app for interactive, accessible, and transparent meta-analysis using R-Shiny. Impact Surgery, 1(5), 195–198.



Brief research paper